Having employed much stealth, the hunter was now almost upon his prey, or so he thought. The king of the jungle appeared in front of him, looking regal like the monarch of the beasts he was.
Resplendent in his crown like mane, his eyes full of admiration for the man; he seemed to speak to him. ‘This is my territory, and you are trespassing, though I appreciate you are not here for the sport. That said, I must warn you, this could well be your last hunt.’
The hunter bowed, ‘oh king of the animals, I take no pleasure in what I’ve set out to do, yet I have no choice, only hungry mouths to feed. I would presume to offend you by doing this merely for the
‘Very well,’ said the lion, ‘do your best, and be prepared to fight for the death…as will I.’
The hunter took a deep breath…