A purity of thought

More human than super

Inspired by most of the same boyhood heroes that many young men wanted to grow up to be, yet specifically not superheroes, as they are unquestionably fictional, characters like those depicted by Bruce Lee and even more fallible ones perhaps, Jackie Chan and Amitabh Bachchan come to mind. Further fictional characters though grounded in a quantum of reality also include Sherlock Holmes, and maybe even James Bond and Batman – the latter two being of course constrained or limited by the fact that they are indeed human. They can bleed, can die, and so can lose, everything, absolutely.

Brain matters

That said, individuals he’s been fortunate to meet over the years that were able to demonstrate their considerable erudition and clarity of thought have also inspired. Some in particular would never countenance raising their fists in anger, but are capable instead of countering verbally utilising their razor-sharp wit. This could be anyone amongst one or a few people that he’s known throughout his life, to some of his favourite authors like Christopher Hitchens, Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris and Douglas Murray to name a few – though apparently Sam Harris is an exponent of Ninjitsu – therefore not to be meddled with on more than one level.

What makes us human

Humanity is also a source of great inspiration, man-kind’s endeavour and perseverance. Ask a certain creator of a boy wizard, who was turned down by countless agents/publishing houses. At time of writing we are all ‘locked-down’, the simplest of interactions once taken for granted are now fondly reminisced. Just to be able to walk past someone on the street and not feel that either they or we are an unwitting threat to each other, unbeknownst to one another is something we surely all pine for. Oh to be able to just shake a friend’s hand, to embrace him or her, even just clink pints, for we are tribal animals. Yet life goes on, and meaningful, deep relationships endure. Real wealth is measured in those beloved individuals that one is surrounded by, both actually and emotionally. Those that lend an ear when few are prepared to listen or a shoulder when one can do nothing but cry, therein lies something quite magnificent to be inspired by.

Music appeals to the writer within

Music inspires like nothing one can imagine. The first novel, The Captains of Legend, is a product of many years thought and serious consideration. Its germination truly began when listening – time and again, so jaw-droppingly fantastic was it – to a certain Bollywood ballad from the late nineties. A song criminally underused in the film, it was the map for his very first effort.

The women in my life

He takes inspiration from his better half. Though she began her career in health care relatively late – children were well into their teens – she has gone from strength to strength, proving it is never too late.

Being dad

One supposes inspiration is also taken by any parent, in attempting to be the best they can possibly be to their children, even though it is as most journeys in life, never really complete. Speaking as a father, though, he wants to be a hero to his children. Now that’s a vision which inspires.


Those he’s been lucky to regard as mentors and continue to do so inspire him. They are now friends and were foundational figures during certain times in his life, elder brothers for him to look up to when there were none.  

Friends and loved ones inspire, having been with him throughout the difficult periods as mentioned, that – like most of us – he’s faced now and again. He finds now that they are fewer in number, less is indeed more.