So now the time has come
To me it is quite clear
I fought with all my heart
Tried not to succumb to fear
With each and every breath
Whilst straining every sinew
Though my faculties are strong
My flesh cannot continue
But through my days of late
I’ve had you by my side
An apprentice quite remarkable
I’m sure you’ll turn the tide
For at stake is it all
I see the circling vultures
We must protect our values
We must preserve our cultures
So with a heavy heart I
Proclaim, no longer your lord
I pass to you what I held dear
Hope you’ll take up the sword
My lord, forever grateful
To you I’ll always be
You taught me all you know
Made a gentleman of me
It wasn’t just your wisdom
Or the cloak of love you wrapped in
I’ll take up the good fight, don’t doubt
You’ll always be my captain