Author: admin

Desire versus ability
- By admin
You can’t let everyone inThere’s only so much ofus to go aroundAnd those who hold usup with unconditional loveand support, often withoutour even knowing, oughtperhaps to be our priority

They’ll be here
- By admin
It is only thehonourable fewthat ride toyour rescue Where wouldwe be withoutTheir solaceTheir strengthTheir sword?

Lived a bit
- By admin
Where did I study?The school of hard knocksAmongst other things Ilearned to pull up my socks How am I able totackle pain and strife?I graduated from theUniversity of Life

It’s there or it isn’t
- By admin
A paper boat against the oceanIs a battle lost before it’s fought Like reaching high up to the cosmosto catch a star that just can’t be caught What some of […]

Lend me your ears
- By admin
Some avoid life’s pitfallsas if it was an art Thought I could do the sameguess I’m just not that smart Friends urge me my innermost feelings to impart Okay, I […]

Finders keepers
- By admin
Get away to find myselfI’ve heard it saidHow ironicPerhaps I might trystaying where I amas the world continuesceaselessly to spinHoping that theold me happens by

The Lions’ main
- By admin
Beware the old lion, young pretenderHis speed may have diminishedYet his strength has not left himAnd his teeth are no less sharp

Broken String
- By admin
A breeze, a gust, a galeIt seemed quite undecided, it’sown tempo evidently could not find I thought I’d held on tightto the kite that I was flyingA small loss weighing […]